martedì 4 ottobre 2011

martedì 27 settembre 2011

The mission aim

The mission aim.

The overall project objective is to reforest 1606 ha of land that was deforested for agricultural use, this area is subdivided into nine plots, two of which are divided into two parts by a village, making a total of eleven plots.

The specific objective of the mission was to go with the person in charge of the office that provides the validation of the project at the UNFCCC, Dhania Dr Nambiar, who works for RINA and has the task of viewing the current conditions of the project and the feasibility to achieve the validation.

Also this mission was an opportunity for an AVSI inspection, for the first time, over the area and gather information about the organization, the staff present, the means that are used, the staff capacity and the nurseries and plots conditions.

venerdì 5 agosto 2011

Back in Europe

Finally got home!
Yesterday morning, after a big storm that had risked to let us there
another day, we left the village of Djolu with the ASF plane. After a 24 hours travel, I got home this morning with the equatorial forest in the mind and many activities to improve the reforestation in the Kokolopori area!
Next days I will add more pictures and information here in the blog. Now I'm going to take a rest for the week end!



mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

Still in Djolu

We are still in Djolu. This morning we waited six hours in the "airport"
to finally know that we cannot leave. Maybe tomorrow morning!
Lukly the waiting area was very confortable.. as you can see in the picture!


martedì 2 agosto 2011

Still in the forest

We are still in Djolu. The plane cannot come today... maybe tomorrow!
I send a picture about the plot deforestated in here and one with
children, they are so many!
I hope to write from Kisangani the next time!
